International Women’s Day

Everyday Sexism blog pic

Happy International Women’s Day! This is an important day to celebrate female achievement and how far we’ve come, whilst also acknowledging how far the world still has to go before we reach gender equality. In honour of this day I am about to start reading Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates, a shocking book cataloguing the normalisation of sexism in modern society. It’s going to make me angry and sad in equal measures, but The Everyday Sexism Project is very important. Learn more about it here.

Happy World Book Day! World Book Day everyone! What are you reading today? At the moment I am really enjoying Anjelica Huston’s memoir Watch Me, a journey through the glittering world of Hollywood and her tempestuous affair with Jack Nicholson!

How are you celebrating the world of books today?


Yoga Blog PicAs I was reshuffling the ridiculous amount of books on my bookshelf to make room for some more, I came across The Complete Yoga Tutor, and decided to give it a go. It’s a really interesting book which explains the history and origins of yoga as well as the anatomy behind it, and includes detailed pictures and instructions on how to perform both beginner and more advanced moves. Sadly I am not as flexible as I would like to be! But I am looking forward to progressing using this guide.

The Complete Yoga Tutor Mark Kan Gaia Books